Saturday, November 19, 2011


Nanowrimo and Life

Alright, so currently I'm 31k words short of where I'm supposed to be right now for Nanowrimo...yes I let life get in the way of writing-I had exams and work and finishing the internship application process...I have a multitude of excuses as to why I haven't worked on my novel/graphic novel. The main one being I haven't been that inspired to work on it. I love the story. I love the characters. I was outlining and setting up characters in October getting ready to pour my heart out this November. Obviously that didn't happen. I'm not normally the type to outline and prepare for a story. Usually I write whatever is in my head to write and the story/characters develop as needed. Maybe I over-structured myself. Maybe I was just feeling the pressure on top of all my daily stresses. The point being-here I am sitting in front of an empty screen trying to think of how to write this one little scene and I'm coming up blank.
But people don't want to hear that. I sat down November 1st and said "this time I'm gonna reach 50k" and people want to hear about your progress. Well, I can tell you that I have my introduction written out. Its also my excerpt to my novel on my NaNoWriMo profile. I also have the beginning scene written out. In total I have a page and a half of work done for my novel-thing. People may say it's because I'm working on a graphic novel and those don't have that many words. My graphic novel is different. While the graphic part has very little dialogue/narrative (and my wonderful sister is working on the art), the rest of the book is written out in short stories. So while reaching 50k in a multitude of short stories would be difficult, it isn't impossible. I have plenty of ideas for the written portions and seven volumes worth to write (yes we've worked the storyline into a seven volume graphic novel).
So, you may be asking yourself (as I am now) 'why are you writing your blog when you should be writing your story?' Well, if you read the beginning part of this whining post, I am drawing up blank. I figured that maybe if I wrote something else I may get into the swing of things and just transition over to the story.

Well, here's hoping :-)

Good luck other NaNo-ers!

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